Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Party hats

I'd been asking the girls what they want and what they want to do for the birthday. I didn't really get many answers or leads as to what to actually plan. But one thing they were consistent on was party hats! (and cake, lol) So I ordered some hats on amazon and we had a mini-party decorating them yesterday, the day before their birthday.

They had fun putting the stickers on and I found a small scrap of boa to add to their hats.

Isaac had fun decorating a hat too!

We had left overs and brought the plain hats to share at our music class. Of course when we pulled up the girls didn't want to bring theirs in, but Isaac wore his throughout music class and some other friends enjoyed wearing theirs too. 

Birth DAY blog coming soon, hopefully tomorrow but it's been a long day and I'm tired and not really wanting to gather all the photos right now :-) 

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