Thursday, December 3, 2015

Christmas Tree decorating

Saturday we put up the tree before I went into work. We have a fake pre-lite tree for the basement. We really don't have enough room for a real tree upstairs and I don't want to drag a real one to the basement.
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Sunday morning was a lazy day and we all slept in so decided decorating the tree would be fun and good to get marked off the list. The kids loved it! Isaac loves the 12 days of Christmas ornaments and Emma loved inspecting every little ornament.
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Mary was into it for a little bit but then went off to play. She loves playing in the kitchen.
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All three of their favorite is the cheapo from Target I got after Isaac's first Christmas, they like looking at themselves in it and laughing!
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After we got all the ornaments on the tree the kids were busy playing. We also changed out the sensory table to button trees! (less messy for grandma's visit)
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Here the girls were at breakfast before we started on the tree:
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