Tuesday, June 25, 2013

La Finca Open House - June 15, 2013

Now that we have power back, I am sitting down at the computer to get my SD cards all cleaned off and ran across photos from last weekend. After the events of this past weekend I forgot all about the weekend before that.

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We are participating in our third CSA this summer. CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. It is a program where you purchase a 'share' for the summer. And you get a box of locally grown veggie's and goodies for a set amount of time 15 weeks or so. We are splitting it with a friend this year so we will get a box every other week. I have posted in the past about the other CSA boxes we've recieved. The first year we did a half share, the second year we bought a whole share and had a LOT of food for just the two of us. Last year we didn't sign up for one, so I am looking forward to getting it again. And trying a new farm

We made the 2 hour drive up north to their farm for the open house. It was a rather muggy day and we hit some pretty bad rain on the way home. But we enjoyed it and got to taste some yummy food! Isaac had fun as well. La Finca is 'the farm' in Spanish; which we learned that the wife on the farm is from south Florida. Her sister was there and they spoke Spanish with each other. If I remember right the husband of the farm is from Minnesota. This is their fourth year at this location, they had a farm at another spot for some years before this.

Here are some photos from our visit.
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He loved watching the chickens and really wanted to get in there with them.
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They also had some sheep but they were hiding out in their little shelter area so we didn't get a good look at them. We did get to see a rooster over by the house and it made some calls for us to hear. Isaac enjoyed that, too!

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All images are copyright of Daisy Simpson. It is unlawful and illegal to copy, scan, alter or edit the images in any way. This depreciates the photos value as well as my reputation, I take great care in capturing and editing each image and they are each important to me. Thank you for respecting my passion and my copyright.