Friday, September 5, 2008


I've been trying to figure out how people can leave comments... I guess it hasn't been working for a few people.

I think this way should work:

On the bottom of a post you can click where it says comments (there is a number in front that shows how many there are usually 0 )

Then you can choose the bubble:

  • Name/URL

  • Anonymous

If you choose the Name one you can just put in your name and leave the URL blank. If you pick anonymous you can just leave your name in the comment (unless you want to remain anonymous).

Hopefully that way it will work. Oh then just clinic submit comment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been clicking on the envelope instead of the word 'comments'. This the first time I've seen the anonymous choices. Dad By the way, the sod look great. congrats on growing a grass yard so quick. Isn't the technology of 'sod' amazing?

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