Saturday, August 13, 2022

Goodbye Wichita

 We left Wichita on June 2nd. 

One last view before we hit the road. We had found someone to come for the sump pump but they couldn't come til noon so our realtor was going to take care of it. Well we actually made it to our first pit stop for breakfast at a rest stop about 20 minutes outside of Wichita and got a call that they could come in 20 minutes... SO we turned around so we could meet them. Good thing because we couldn't get a hold of our realtor anyway and she was of no help. 

So we're BACK! LOL but that's okay glad we could be there to get this done and figure out what the program was. We thought it was the main drain and that the broken sump pump was draining into the main drain but because it was clogged was unable to drain. But that's when we learned no, the sump pump was bad and he could get one installed the next day and that the clog in the boiler room drain was just a separate issue that he fixed. 

Gave us a chance to see our neighbors again :-) 

Alright NOW we're on the road :-) Isaac and Mary rode with me and Thomas and Emma rode with Kyle.

Oh and Harpo in the van. 

State line bags ready to go. 

Kansas City!

Stop for gas

Iowa State Line!


For the Minnesota state line bag I had gifts, well Wichita souvenirs for everyone, we stopped at the rest stop to open them. 

Spend the night in the hotel. I think Harpo is glad to be back in Minnesota, I really didn't think he was going to live long enough to get to move back with us... but he DID. Such a good dog. 

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