Friday, May 7, 2021

April 2nd Zoo & First Lost Tooth

 The kids were out of school Friday, April 2nd for Easter weekend. Kyle took the day off work or half day and we went to the zoo. 

These were from April 1st, not the zoo but our zoo at home: chickens and Harpo. Sunsets comb has healed nicely after the frost bite. 

Friday at the zoo. It's so great to have a membership because we don't feel obligated to visit the entire thing in one visit. This visit we focused on the indoor tropic area that had tons of birds.



I didn't get a photo of this one but we stopped and watched him for a while:

We also got sight of the Tiger which we hadn't seen in the previous handful of visits. 

After the zoo we got some ice cream, Kyle shopped for new running shoes and Emma lost her FIRST tooth just before getting out of the van at the playground. 

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