(I actually took that above photo to send to Kyle to show him Isaac's funky bed head)
We were going to meet Kyle on one of his breaks but we weren't dressed and by the time we got dressed, hurried to the elevators, then back to the room because I forgot my wallet, then to the gift shop to get a coffee, Kyle's break was almost over so we just visited for a minute before he had to go back. Then we went to the 9th floor, just the two of us to character watch for a little bit.

After nap we decided to go for a walk. Our plan for this day was to visit the NYC Public Library when Kyle got off. But we were getting tired of being in our room so we set out for a walk in that direction with plans for Kyle to just meet us at the library.
We left Times Square and headed to Rockefeller Center, got a quick look at the ice rink and the statue which Isaac called "statue of lib-ity"... hey he's catching on. Then we walked down 5th Ave toward the library. It was a chilly day and Isaac was getting cold so we ducked into a Sbarro to share some garlic bread and try to warm up.
Then headed back south the few blocks remaining... we eventually made it to the New York Public Library!
We went around the side for the 'handicap'/stroller friendly entrance to the library.
And luckily the children's section was right inside this side door.
Isaac and I read some books. And even in a room FULL of books we ended up reading three or four of them two or more times. Kyle joined up with us then we took a walk around the whole library enjoying the architecture.

Next up was finding a place to eat. Kyle was craving seafood and I really wanted to go by the Chrysler Building since it's my most favorite building in the city. So our plan was to head that way as we figured out where to eat.... then we walked out of the library to this!:
HA! To my surprise it was right there all along and when Isaac and I came to the library we walked right past it but I was focused on the front of the library building at that point and didn't even look to my left to see it standing there! We are facing 5th Ave in this photo and that is where we crossed the road just an hour or so earlier.
So that plan quickly changed because I was now happy and now my NYC trip was complete :-)
So we turned down in front of the library to try and find a place to eat browsing our phones at the same time. Yes it is still cold.
After too much unnecessary walking, we ended up on the east side at a place our Yelp! app told us was seafood.... only to find minimal seating and in fact no sea food. We were all starving at this point so we got an appetizer and decided to go to another place a few blocks back the way we came that was indeed a seafood restaurant.
We made it there and even though we felt rather out of place with a child (it was kinda a nice place) we didn't care cuz we were hungry. I had a really good lobster risotta. Isaac of course ordered the mac'n'chz so another place we got to try, lol. As you can see in this photo I was trying to catch a photo of my food before a little curious hand made it's way to my lobster:

We took a cab home, which was the plan after ALL that walking. Phew this mama was tired! We got back to our room and ready for bed. Isaac was being a goofball (sorry for the blurry phone pics).

The next morning (Thursday) was our last day and our travel out day. Kyle was finished with the conference and I was Jones-en for a NY bagel. So we got packed up, left our luggage with the courtesy desk and walked a block away to a deli for a yummy, yummy bagel and cream cheese. We weren't sure what we were going to do before we had to leave for the airport... we had wanted to go to FAO Schwarz (the toy store) but we weren't sure if we'd have time. But we started our walk up 5th Ave heading that way. We did eventually make it after a few dips into retail shops to warm up for a quick minute.
We arrived and headed straight for the 'big' piano:

Isaac loved running back and forth on it

The girl in the background was a little annoyed with Isaac and the other little girl because they were just carelessly walking across it and I guess she wanted to make music or something

We were kinda bummed we didn't get a visit to Central Park. But with my limited walking and the cold weather we were okay with it. We did get to see a corner of it as we walked to the subway from FAO

We took the subway back to our hotel to get on a cab for the airport. Isaac being goofy on the train:

Isaac fell asleep on the cab ride to the airport

Good-bye Manhattan. Until next time! (fuzzy photo pics again)

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