Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Playing in the Snow

Sunday as we got back from church, Isaac walked down our front side walk and was in awe of the snow. It hadn't been warm enough to play outside in a while and we were getting over colds so we've been sticking it out inside. Well I left for work later that day, but Kyle took him out to play in it a bit while he scrapped up ice.

Today we went and played some more after nap. He loved it! Much better than the first go round in mid-December: Snow Play. He had a little difficulty walking, so he choose to crawl everywhere. He was really going when I pulled out the phone to get some video, so of course as soon as I press play he stops to catch his breath. But you can see all the tracks he made :-P

Just getting started
Snow play

On the move - look at that determination
Snow play

And I tried so hard to get a photo of him standing next to the snowman... but he refused. As soon as I stepped back enough to get a picture he took off... stinker!
Snow play

Snow play

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