Friday, May 29, 2020

Tanganyika Wildlife Park - COVID Phase 1

May 4th, Monday was also the start of Phase 1 in the COVID Safe at Home order. Which meant things were OPENING! YAH! We had bought a season pass to Tanganyika Wildlife Park at the beginning of March when they had a sale, not knowing they'd be shut down for over a month before we could visit. They opened with restrictions, none of the interactions or experiences were open and we had to reserve a time slot to visit. They were open to season pass holders only. It was a little cloudy, but it felt great to get out of the house. We were only there for about 45 minutes, time to walk around and see everything. Lots of various animals. This is a privately owned facility, it was kinda odd... kinda like we were in the backyard of some rich person enjoying their private pets. It was nice, the landscape was nice, the cages seemed small.

Kids started off in masks but it didn't last long, and there weren't many people there so we were easily social distancing. 

May 5th:

School asked for photos of the kids for a teacher appreciation video: 


Working on sight words at home. 

Nature walk scavenger hunt

Oreo homemade ice cream:

Bathing these two :-P 

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