Sunday, June 12, 2016

Two two year olds!!

The past month (or two) has gotten away from us. To say we have been 'busy' is an understatement. With getting the house listed and sold then house hunting and finding a house in that time we have had quite the emotional roller coaster. 

In all that the girls had their second birthday. We did celebrate (as I posted earlier) but not in the traditional sense with streamers, banners, balloons, and cupcakes. That will have to wait. I did however pull out their blocks today (Friday they turned 25 months old). It's been a while since I've taken their couch photos and boy do they look huge now! 

Each girl is still so unique and the twos are proving to be the year of independence, temper adjustments (ahem tantrums) and blossoming personalities. 

Mary is still the caretaker of the family. Making sure everyone has what they need and things are put back where they belong. She is gaining more words everyday and has such a sweet voice. She says thank you, shit (used appropriately lol), cheese, I want to walk, outside, purple, bubbles, water, harpo, Emma, Isaac, and of course no is an all time favorite. Lots more that we can't think of at the moment. She says mommy and dad! She calls nectarines and peaches "Apple" 

She gets concerned about Emma when they are separated or when Emma is still sleeping. 

She wakes up first and is considerate on being quite (most days). She is often content playing by herself and still loves the swings. She isn't into watching TV like the other two and she eats really well loving meat still. 

She has a joker personality and always trying to make people laugh. Very goofy and silly. 

They are both showing interest in potty training, Mary pooped on the potty today! But with the move coming we don't really want to enter into that yet so we aren't encouraging it but letting them take the lead. 

Emma is still our good sleeper although she is more of a night owl and would prefer to sleep in if everyone would let her. She often takes three hour naps while Mary's are just 45-90min. She loves her blankies and baby and her new Anna doll. Having to have all in her arms before bed. She likes to get her hair put up. 

She also has such a sweet voice and often says no 2-3 times before saying yes when she wants something. She says yellow, baby, thank you, bubbles, shoes, balls (this is what she calls berries), she calls dad "na na". She says "mo mo" which is movie but only for the movie inside out. She loves joy. They both love frozen and call it "snow". 

It sounds like "oh nine" when she says lemonade. 

She got moved forward facing in her car seat due to getting car sick. Emma loves the slides when we go to the park and is quite the climber. 

Both girls loved the last few days of music class. Emma was so cute singing along with the songs and Mary really got into the motions. 

They moved up to the toddler class at church and do great with drop off. They love playing and since most our toys are packed up at home it's a good activity to keep them busy. 

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