Sunday, May 15, 2016

Zucchini Egg Cups

These are great quick breakfast items. I store in the fridge and then warm up 30-45 seconds in the microwave. 

I spiralized some zucchini with my veggetti and placed in a non-stick muffin tin that I sprayed with coconut oil.

Mixed 12 eggs with a pinch of salt and pepper then evenly distributed into 12 muffin tin cups. I then sprinkled with some 21 day fix extreme all purpose seasoning.

Baked at 400 for 20 minutes. The egg cups rise but give them some time and they will shrink back down.


12 eggs
1 zucchini 
Salt & pepper
Spray oil to grease the pan
21 day fix extreme all purpose seasoning

Fix count: 
3 muffins = 1.5 red, .5 green

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