Mary and Emma were born full term on their 40 week due date. Mary is named after her Great, Great Grandma Mary Clara Stanek and her Great Grandmother Mary Jane Post. Her middle name starts with a B because she is Baby B, Brice means swift, quick moving and was chosen because she was so active in my belly and she lived up to it with a fast delivery. Emma is named after her Great Aunt Emma, who was a fraternal twin born to Mary Clara. Her middle name starts with an A because she is Baby A, Annabelle means gracious, merciful, and beautiful. To our surprise when we went into the hospital for delivery we discovered Mary had scooted her way down and was now first to exit, moving Emma aside. And changing their birth order, however we left there names as is since that is what they were referred to for 28 weeks.
If you noticed their time of birth, yes they were born 5 hours apart and no this is not 'normal'. Average time between vaginal delivery of twins is 17 min. Emma was quite cozy in my uterus. Mary had a quick 2.5 hour labor with two pushes, born in the operating room per twin birth protocol. Emma's labor was 5 hours; we were moved back to the labor and delivery room after 2 hrs of laboring in the OR because it was taking a while and she was born to a different midwife and whole new medical team as it had been shift change. The only three people to see both births was myself, Kyle, & my doula, Jess. These girls wanted their own birth stories and have been unique since day one. They show us their individual personalities every day. They are beautiful and wonderful!
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