Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Girls' 7 Weeks Old Stats


Emma 7wk-2
Loves the side swaying swing and her paci
Likes to be swaddled or sleeps on her belly unswaddled
Good sleeper for long stretches
Likes the mirror on the playmat but would rather be sitting up
Bright blue eyes
Weighs: 11.4 lbs


Mary 6wk-3
No swaddling for this gal, belly sleeping all the way
Such a strong neck - has already rolled over a few times front to back
Loves the playmat
Cat napper
Frequent eater
Eyes appear to be a little darker, maybe they will be brown!!
Weighs: 11.3 lbs

Playtime with brother (actually 6 weeks here)

playtime 6 wks-5

playtime 6 wks-4

playtime 6 wks-3

Isaac was telling them their A B C's and numbers <3 p="">

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