First week of April, we still have snow and unfortunately our trees took a big hit this year with all the heavy snow :-(
We went to see Mario Brothers in 3D on Friday.
Saturday we colored eggs. I had ordered these new egg coloring things over Christmas. Super fun way to color eggs!
(No idea why Mary is wearing that on her head)
Family trip to Scheel's to look for fishing stuff.
The sun feels AMAZING! 55° out and decided to do playdoh outside.
Girls made confetti eggs at Saturday Artrageous. Kinda a fail to get them to spread everywhere.
Took a Saturday visit to Minnehaha Falls to enjoy the gorgeous weather. So ready for spring!
Sunday our former neighbor invited us to an egg hunt in her front yard! Lots of fun for the kids.
(These photos were shared in a text thread and came through a little blurry)
Happy Easter!
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