Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Pie Day

 March 14th: 3.14 we celebrated with getting pie of course :-) Beautiful day to sit outside and enjoy it. 

Emma's portrait of our family:

I did a foot peel and needed to soak my feet everyday for a week, utilizing my time while getting a foot soak in and bedtime reading to the kids, lol. 

Kyle and I got our first covid vaccine. Second shot coming up this week and next. (current day beginning of April) 

Isaac had an orthodontist check up, we started doing a few more turns on his top expander and he got new bands and a new thicker wire on the bottom. Next appointment (in May) he'll be getting brackets on the top teeth. 

Thomas and I had a Thursday coffee date waiting for this Thursday class to start. His Thursday class starts at 9:30 and we drop the kids off just before 9 so we have a little bit of time to kill. Unlike on preschool days when he starts at 9 and it's a back to back drop off morning. 

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