Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Thomas's Bang

Wednesday July 29th 
Thomas took a fall off the piano bench while he was fiddling with the lamp that sits behind the bench on the radiator. 

Of course it was a bloody one... as we weighed the chances of ... staples vs corona virus... we hated to go in for this. But having experience in the ER I knew it needed to be closed up, we'd closed up smaller things than this. I texted our neighbor (who is a pediatric ICU doc) and asked her if she had a recommendation for a pediatric friendly urgent care. She said to send a pic and she'd see if her husband (also a peds doc) thought it needed to be closed up - she was at work. She got back to me and said they both thought so but that he'd come over with supplies after picking some up at his clinic. So we got to dodge the corona virus exposure!!

Here are the before pics:

And the after. 

We bandaged it up before bed so he wouldn't get the pillow all bloody. He was such a trooper he did great for the staples, of course he had his own personal child life specialist :-) he really didn't like the cold spray our friend's dad had Kyle spray on just before the staple placement. 

This was the next day. 

I ordered a steril staple remover off amazon and we took them out about day 8, his head is healing up great! 

Day 9 or 10 and healing nicely:


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