Saturday, November 23, 2019


This year we went with the super hero theme. Mary and Isaac were happy with costumes from Costco: Spiderwoman and Black Panther. Emma was a little more particular about how her Bat Girl costume was to look so I ended up making her costume. Thomas was a super owl (reusing from when Isaac was about this age)

The Saturday before Halloween we went to the West End halloween gathering. 

Halloween fell on a Thursday, and luckily we didn't have school the following day due to teacher work day or something. 

Mary was home with a fever on Thursday, so she missed school and she missed her performance of Where the Wild Things Are. :-( She wasn't feeling much better that evening but did muster enough strength for 15 minutes of trick or treating. 

It was 28ยบ out that night. 

Mary & Thomas were home in no time. Kyle continued on with Emma and Isaac who were out for about an hour. When Mary got back we decided to make a quick jack-o-latern and build a fire. Her medicine had kicked in and she was feeling better.  

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