Wednesday, November 7, 2018


Some random photos from October. MEA weekend, Isaac had off school Thursday and Friday. This was Thursday October 18th we enjoyed the beautiful weather outside at Wolfe Park. It has been pretty cold and rainy before then so it felt great to be outside. 

The trees looking gorgeous in our front yard:

Friday we went for a bike ride to Park Siding

Emma sharing some sort of snack with Thomas. Thomas loves sitting in this chair to read.

The girls are busy busy and love to play play play. We took advantage of the nice weather and I sent them outside to 'rake leaves'. 
Fall Leaves Oct 22 2018-5

Thomas watching from the door at first
Fall Leaves Oct 22 2018-1

Fall Leaves Oct 22 2018-4

Fall Leaves Oct 22 2018-9

Love this sequence:
Fall Leaves Oct 22 2018-11

Fall Leaves Oct 22 2018-12

Fall Leaves Oct 22 2018-13

Fall Leaves Oct 22 2018-14

Fall Leaves Oct 22 2018-16

Fall Leaves Oct 22 2018-25

Fall Leaves Oct 22 2018-27

Thomas is always on the go, wasn't a fan of being IN the leaves
Fall Leaves Oct 22 2018-31

Fall Leaves Oct 22 2018-34

Fall Leaves Oct 22 2018-38

Fall Leaves Oct 22 2018-42

Fall Leaves Oct 22 2018-43

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All images are copyright of Daisy Simpson. It is unlawful and illegal to copy, scan, alter or edit the images in any way. This depreciates the photos value as well as my reputation, I take great care in capturing and editing each image and they are each important to me. Thank you for respecting my passion and my copyright.