Sunday, October 26, 2014

BooZoo 2014

We went opening weekend to BooZoo this year.... boy was the turn out a lot different than going on a Friday night last year. There was a huge line, but luckily it moved fairly quickly.

The kid's costumes were a huge hit, it's like no one had ever seen this done before :-P In the twin world it's very common to see Thing 1 & Thing 2 used as halloween costumes, ya just gotta with twins! :-) and with an older brother as Cat in the Hat it's perfect!!!
BooZoo 2014-1

BooZoo 2014-5

The whole family; Kyle and I went along with the Dr. Seuss themed dressed as Mr. & Mrs. Brown (if you're not familiar they are in the book: Hop on Pop)


The wig really makes Emma's eyes pop!


Isaac loved bending down in front of the girls. He knew they were accessories to his costume and he was proud :-P

Once we got inside it was pretty crowded but Isaac still had fun seeing all the characters and collecting his treats from the sponsor stands.
BooZoo 2014-11



BooZoo 2014-15

Excited to see corn on the corn cob. Which he shortly picked off and tried to eat.
BooZoo 2014-21

BooZoo 2014-26

BooZoo 2014-28

Another attempt at a family photo... Isaac not really into pictures these days.

Some of the few animals out, looking at the buffalo with Grandma Judy
BooZoo 2014-30

BooZoo 2014-31

Giving high fives:
BooZoo 2014-34

BooZoo 2014-35

BooZoo 2014-38

BooZoo 2014-39

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what fun.
i loved going w/ you. & all of you dressed up. i used to love getting everyone's costumes ready for halloween.
thanks for the nice post
love mom

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