Sunday, September 29, 2013

Garden bed

Tuesday night (9/23/13) we began the process of starting our raised vegetable garden. I dug up the hostas and someone in our town came to pick them up (via craigslist) 

Then I painted the egdes of the cinder blocks that will line three sides of the bed. 

Here they are lined up 

Then I painted the tops of them. And transplanted our basil plant. 

Then tonight (Tuesday 10/1/13) I went to Home Depot to get an eight foot piece of 4x4 for the posts. Came home and started digging the holes for the posts. 

Then Kyle got home and pointed out I didn't get a pressure treated post so we headed back to HD to return what I got and get the right piece. 

Then Kyle cut the wood for me and I finished up putting together the one wall. 

We used left over deck pieces for the long sides. 

And it's finished. Just need to add the dirt. 

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