Thursday, August 11, 2011

Let's Go Twins!

Tuesday night (August 9th, 2011) we went to a Twins game.
target field

They were playing the Boston Red Sox. We were actually up most of the game, but ended up losing by one in the end. It was a beautiful night!
moon over field

Unlike the humid heat we'd been having this day was just gorgeous, a breeze and air filled with coolness. And the moon was pretty!

Cargill's sign always comes up in the 8th inning, so I had to capture that.
8th inning cargill sign

I invited my co-worker, Kelly, & her boyfriend along with us. So I asked if she'd take a picture of us at the end of the night. If you know my I'm kinda picky (well I try not to be for other people's sake), luckily Kelly took a ton of shots so I had many to choose from. :-) problem was the way we were standing you couldn't really see my belly, I was trying to help Kyle put his hand where it would accentuate my bump... but that was a fail. Kelly did get a cute action shot of this preparation:
kyle daisy belly

Yeah, we're goofballs!
kyle daisy 2

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