Santa had brought everyone wrist bands for Nickelodeon Universe in their stocking. (which is the amusement park at Mall of America) We decided to make our visit for Wednesday the week after Christmas. Hoping it wouldn't be TOO busy. We arrived when they opened at 10am. No line for our first ride!
Thomas loved this one on that day before school started that me and him had a special day here.
Let the rides begin. Ride after ride. Isaac and Kyle tried this one:
While Emma and Thomas did the little bumper cars (Mary was too tall)
Family ride on the Orange Streak (ended up our favorite, it was the basic roller coaster that goes all through the park)
Split up again so Kyle and Isaac could ride some bigger rides and I had the smaller kids to do the littler ones.
Family ride together on the Log Chute.
Priceless photo of Mary... well it came with a price that we weren't really to pay so I snapped a pic of it, lol.
Then we waited in line for over a half hour to get into the paw patrol play area. They let in a certain amount of people at a time, play time was 20 minutes so we had to wait for the previous groups playtime to get over before we entered...
We finally got our turn and LITERALLY six minutes in Thomas has to poop.... he can't hold it. Well if you leave you can't get back in so that was that!
Hit the bathroom and decided it was lunch time. Had lunch then checked out this tree gallery they had up on the top level.
Then back to rides!
Littles did a few smaller ride, Kyle and Isaac waited in line that entire time for this ride:
Lines were getting longer and longer and more time spent line than ride. Isaac and Mary waited for a while for the brain surge.
Kyle waited in line with these two for the Splat-o-sphere.
Then we all rode this together. Thomas was JUST at the line but the guy let him ride, his face was HILARIOUS during this ride!
Then we broke for dinner at Bubba Gump Shrimp. I figured we'd leave after dinner... but there was two more hours of ride time and the lines were shorter so we returned to the rides! Got in a few I didn't think we'd get in. There was a HUGE line for both the carousel and the ferris wheel all day. But close to closing there wasn't so we were able to do both with minimal wait time.
We ended where we started with another ride on the Ghost Blaster ride. The park closed at 9:00 and we were there OPEN til Close! Whew a full 11 hours of Mall of America! What a day.
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