I was debating on whether or not to continue our monthly photos... but I figured why not, might as well do it while I have the time instead of looking back and wishing I had. And besides it's become a habit now :-) It's fun to capture the many faces of Isaac, he is quite the ham! New this month - testing limits, down to one nap, ranging from 40 minutes to 90 minutes. Kinda wish he was a long napper, but maybe I'll pray for that with our next kiddo. He's a great little helper! Helps us unload the dishwasher, throw clothes down the laundry chute, and he puts away his toys!! He is obsessed with his toothbrush(es), although still sitting at 6 teeth (since September) I think he likes chewing on his toothbrush to soothe his molars that will someday come in. We have been doing a lot of animal sounds, I caught a little "moo" out of him yesterday, and today he copied me when I was making an owl sound "Hoo!Hoo!" His favorite part of the day, hands down, is wrestling with dad! He is 100% boy, we were at baby story time today and while we were reading the other two books, he couldn't put down the digger book. He is still a great eater, although he has been turning his nose up at eggs lately. So this morning he helped me make some banana pancakes, he approved!
And here he was lounging in the basement with us the other day. He loves the remote, he could push buttons (literally - not yet to the point of pushing my buttons, thankfully) all day!
And here is the stocking I am working on cross stitching. I wasn't able to start on it until after my class was finished Dec 17th (which I got an A in by the way!!). So any chance of getting it finished before Christmas was out the window and I was okay with that. It'll be done by next year. I have finished all the small sections and now just have the big blue area to finish and the white face of the snowman. Then the detailing and assembly!
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