Lesa had off work so she called to see if we could do a playdate. In an effort to get out of the house and do something fun, we decided to go to the chilren's museum. Isaac loved it, of course since he's an exploring fool right now :-P
First we stopped into the ball/bounce exhibit.

Then we went across the hall to the toddler area, lots to explore in here

Attempt at a photo of Parker and Isaac:

Isaac was going nuts in this area trying to get his hands on EVERYTHING at once, it was funny.

Another attempt to photograph them both

Then we went down a level to the water area, they both had a blast playing in the water tables!!

Here's a little video of Isaac playing in the water:
We only lasted about 2 hours then they boys were exhausted. Debating on a good time to buy a membership, maybe when we have another kiddo - then it'll be really worth it.
And to add.... look what I found!

And I added him to my list (Twin Cities Peanuts) which is a little out of date since I've found a few more I need to add but I will get to that another day.
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