We are gradually starting solids, went ahead this past week or so as he's sitting up and definitely ready. I read a great book that I recommend about baby-led solids title Baby-Led Weaning by Gill Rapley. So he's gotten a few items down out of all he's explored. I think his official first was rice at an Indian Restaurant we ate at on May 14th to celebrate Kyle's end of semester. Since then he's experienced broccoli, spaghetti noodles, apples, cantaloupe, pork loin, sweet potato puffs, green beans, and I think that's all for now. Some has made it down and some has just landed on the floor :-)

He's not sure what to think of the new plastic bib

Oohh something to put in my mouth:

Wait a minute... what is this?

Ahh it's good :-)

Isaac also loves his floor time:

Good 'ol Harpo:

And just a few days ago he's figured out how to work the toys on his exersaucer:

I found these fun magnet letters garage saleing:

That's it for now, just wanted to share some photos :-)
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