Well my first day back to work was last Saturday (feb 25th). Honestly I am excited to back to work, I love my job and I'm glad to be around adults again!! Although I miss my widdy baby back home, working part-time is the perfect mix because I'm not away from him too long. And the fact that my schedule is evenings and weekends when I do work is perfect because he is mainly home with his daddy while I'm away.
So far pumping at work is going good. He takes the bottle well and so far I've been able to pump more than he's eating which is great to because my supply seems to be doing well. I'm not really a fan of pumping... kinda a pain in the arse, but he is totally worth it and I just have to remind myself I'm giving him the best gift possible BREAST MILK or BEST MILK :-P heehee
Saturday and Sunday I was able to time it right in that I only pumped twice at work 6:00 and 9:00 then fed him when I got home. Today I wasn't as lucky as he at at 1:00ish... so I needed to pump sooner when I got to work about 4:30.
In other news winter has FINALLY decided to show up! It's only March for crying out loud! lol We got a few inches overnight, maybe four... I know up north got a LOT more snow than we did. I was able to get the front shovelled while Isaac napped this morning and boy was it HEAVY snow! It was quite the work out I think I even broke a sweat. I've searched the internet but can't seem to find the official number of inches we got... I'm thinking 4"-6"
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