Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Following the Rabbit Hole

Remember the other day (well I just posted it today) but the other day I saw the bunny tracks on our front sidewalk. Well after each fresh snow I kept seeing their tracks and wondering.... "where in the world are they headed off to?" The tracks were coming down our front sidewalk, around the house, then I noticed them going back to the alley. Well I wouldn't blame them for wanting to take the path already shoveled for them, poor little fella's could freeze to death if they hopped on the land snow and fell through.

Well I found where they were going, first I saw the path by our deck.
rabbit hole

Then I noticed a little trail through the side gate
following the rabbit hole

Ah HA! I knew it, they were finding shelter! That makes me feel better.
rabbit hole zoomed out

Now I want to set some carrots out or something for them. I wonder what they're eating!?!

While I was out I thought I'd make my mama happy again and take some more pictures of our snow :-) I told ya, it's not going anywhere anytime soon!

Here's the side of our house
side of house

Here's our neighbor's icicles
neighbor icicles

And here are ours and our other neighbors icicles
backyard icicles

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