Tuesday, March 13, 2012

3 month update

Isaac turned 3 months on March 3rd. Sorry for the delay in blog posts... in other news I have returned to work - hence the lack of blog posts :-)
3 months

That same day we came home from church and had fun floor time before I had to go to work:
sunday floor time w daddy 1
sunday floor time w daddy 4 sunday floor time w daddy 3 sunday floor time w daddy 2

I've found it's much easier to take daily photos with my phone... but they aren't always as clear and good. So I have found some time to take some with my real camera :-)

Here he is playing in his exersaucer:
exersaucer 6

exersaucer 4

Drool and all:
exersaucer 5

And after bathtime, which he LOVES!
bath time 1

And tummy time:
tummy time 1

tummy time 3

On to some of the more fun changes... He is grabbing everything and everything goes into his mouth.

Here he has found he can grab his mirror... which about 10 seconds after I took this photo the mirror got buckled onto the crib so it can no longer be pulled over
grabbing mirror

He's found a new love for the keys:
chewing on keys

And his number one favorite: fist in mouth
fist in mouth

We've been going on walks lately
family walk to mcDonalds

And he does the funnies thing in the morning when his arms get unswaddled (he sleep swaddled and loves it but as soon as he wakes up for the morning he wants OUT!)
morning arm stretch

And finally he is officially in 6 month clothes! Here he is in an outfit he is *almost* too long for, but is wearing it for the first time today. Oh and he's VERY happy in this picture because he finally POOPED! he had a no poop day yesterday. He has those every so often, and when it does come it's so smelly! Not looking forward to the solid food poop days :-/
hi daddy

More pictures over on my flickr page. Click on any of the photos above and it'll link you to my flickr page :-)

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All images are copyright of Daisy Simpson. It is unlawful and illegal to copy, scan, alter or edit the images in any way. This depreciates the photos value as well as my reputation, I take great care in capturing and editing each image and they are each important to me. Thank you for respecting my passion and my copyright.